Terry Mitchell
What position do you hold, besides being a HousingWorks Austin board member?
I have been building communities for about 24 years. The communities change as we learn more and more about how to serve all of our citizenry. I currently build communities for a company, Momark Development, who builds residential and mixed use communities here in our metro area.
I am on the Capital Metro Board of Directors. I am also on the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board, the Regional Affordability Committee and the Code Advisory Group.
Where did you grow up and attend school?
I grew up in Texas, first Corpus Christi then
Sonora, Texas. I obtained a BBA from the University of Texas (many moons ago — 1977), an MBA from St. Edward’s University (1980)
and a JD from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio (1983). I was accused of being a professional student!
What are your major career accomplishments?
That is a hard question. What do I value as accomplishments? For me, building a community that serves the residents who live there, while at the same time contributes positively to the community at large, is my greatest satisfaction. Our little company does not have a “formula” we follow to build communities. Instead, we ask ourselves: Who are we serving (what demographic, income level, etc.) and how do we best do that? With that focus, each community is different. The greatest compliment I can receive is when a resident let’s me know that they love living in one of our communities. If we can improve the lives of our residents and our city, we have won.
What are some interests of yours not related to your work or HousingWorks?
Faith. My faith plays a central role in my life. Love everyone. I believe we are called to serve our fellow man with the unique talents we have. In my world, that manifests itself into building the best communities I can to serve our residents, and working on civic issues to help our city.
My family. They are the world to me: I have a wonderful wife (she has to be wonderful to put up with me) and three wonderful children (and a new “son” — a son-in-law). I love spending time with my family.
I love to exercise. My current program is 30 to 70 miles per week on a bike (road or stationary) and light weights. Never feel bad after a workout. Trying to design an office for our group where I can (safely) ride my bike to work! Sounds great to get my exercise while commuting!
Service. I think we are all called to serve others. If everyone puts others’ interests before our own, a lot of problems would go away. I find great joy in helping people in any way I can.
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