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HousingWorks Austin is working hard to ensure that affordability is integrated into CodeNEXT, the process to rewrite Austin’s out-of-date and cumbersome Land Development Code (LDC). The product of CodeNEXT will be a Land Development Code that better governs future growth in Austin.

How can affordability be part of the Land Development Code? HousingWorks Austin supports these four key initiatives:

  1. Equitable Housing Through Inclusion. CodeNEXT should include development incentives in exchange for community benefits (including affordability) in strategic areas across the City of Austin.
  2. Efficient Use of Publicly-Owned Land to Serve Critical Community Needs. CodeNEXT should ensure that publicly-owned land that is developed for residential purposes has meaningful affordability requirements.
  3. Recognizing that Household Affordability is Multifaceted. CodeNEXT should encourage residential density that includes access to jobs, recreation, and multimodal transportation.
  4. Increasing Diversity of Housing Types. CodeNEXT should encourage design and development that responds to the needs of our diverse population, including seniors, singles, and families with children.

Read HousingWorks Austin’s diagnosis of the City’s current Land Development Code.

Read HousingWorks Austin and stakeholder input on the City of Austin CodeNEXT citizen feedback page.

What’s next? The CodeNEXT advisory group developed three working groups to dive deep and tackle difficult issues during the first quarter of 2015. One working group is devoted exclusively to affordability. Another working group is focused on infill, compatibility, and the missing middle. HousingWorks is actively engaged in both groups. The public is encouraged to attend, participate, and provide feedback.

Based on the working groups’ and the advisory group’s recommendations, the consultants will draft the detailed proposed standards in 2015, with adoption and mapping to follow in 2016 and 2017.

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