Home > News > Volunteers Needed – ECHO Point in Time Count

Registration is now open on the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) website for the 2016 Point in Time Count, on January 23rd!

The Austin/Travis County Point in Time (PIT) Count is part of the national effort to eliminate street homelessness spearheaded by the federal Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Veterans Affairs (VA). By knowing who is on the street, where they are, and what they need, ECHO and its partner agencies can most effectively target services to those that need them the most.


  • Determine the total number and characteristics of those who are homeless in Travis County
  • Provide quantitative results including demographics, reasons for homelessness and trends in homelessness, with stratified outcomes by homeless sub-populations (veterans, unaccompanied youth, etc.)
  • Compare annual results with previous count information to assess and improve community performance in preventing and ending homelessness
  • Raise awareness and learn about homelessness in our community, along with the need for viable, long-term solutions that will alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life for all Austinites.

ECHO is looking for 600 general volunteers to canvass designated areas in Travis County on teams in search of persons. There is a particular need for 25 more team leads. You can also
register to be a team lead on the ECHO website.

This video shows a team from Green Doors taking part in the Point in Time Count.

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