Home > News > Action Alert – Council to Consider Major Increases in Funding for Affordable Housing

Contact City Council today to show your support for items on their agenda for Thursday, December 17!

Agenda Item #74 will increase the current Housing Trust Fund dedication from properties that were previously owned by the city from 40% to 100% of City property tax revenue. The increased funding would be invested in affordable housing in Homestead Preservation Districts (2/3) and high opportunity areas (1/3).

Agenda Item #99 will set the Tax Increment Revitalization Zone (TIRZ) in Homestead Preservation District A (central East Austin) to 10%. These funds will be invested in affordable housing (both rental and ownership) in gentrifying (or already gentrified) areas. Both agenda items mean more funding for affordable housing in areas that desperately need it. It’s easy to email all of City Council. Click here.

These developments are particularly exciting for us at HousingWorks Austin as we have been advocating for years for the City to establish a sustainable and substantial revenue stream for affordable housing. Click here to view a copy of the letter we sent to Council in regard to this in May of this year.

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