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About Us

About HousingWorks Austin

HousingWorks Austin is an affordable housing advocacy organization that aims to increase the supply of affordable housing in Austin by providing research, education, advocacy and thoughtful, workable affordable housing policy recommendations.

A by-product of the unprecedented growth that Central Texas is experiencing is a sharp decline in affordability, in part due to rising home values, increasing rents and growing transportation expenses. By working with stakeholders throughout Central Texas, HousingWorks Austin encourages dialogue and raises awareness of the cooperative effort required to make housing affordable for anyone, anywhere in the city.

Our Vision

Austin is a community where everyone has the opportunity for a secure and affordable home.

Our Mission

HousingWorks advocates a wide range of housing options so that all Austinites can afford a home that is close to jobs, family, schools, recreation, and places of worship.

What We Do

HousingWorks Austin provides research, education, and advocacy around the issue of household affordability in Austin and the surrounding region.  Affordability is a hot topic, and there are many diverse —and sometimes competing — ideas about how we can make Austin a more affordable city. A nonpartisan organization, HousingWorks Austin provides thoughtful analysis and practical recommendations around affordability. Our efforts unite a wide range of business, nonprofit, real estate, and community leaders around the core value that housing affordability throughout town is crucial to Austin’s success.

Our Guiding Principles

1. HousingWorks will build an ongoing broad-based coalition with diverse perspectives and interests to promote housing solutions over the long-term. HousingWorks will collaborate with other partners and entities toward achieving common goals.

2. HousingWorks will promote a public culture that not only values affordability but also ensures affordable homes are located throughout our community.

3. HousingWorks will advocate policies that preserve neighborhoods allowing families to stay in their homes and neighborhoods if they choose.

4. HousingWorks will gather research and encourage dialogue across varied perspectives. Its public policy positions will be based on informed study.

5. Through education, HousingWorks will build the community’s knowledge and experience around community needs, best practices, neighborhood planning strategies, real estate options, and housing finance.

6. HousingWorks will promote neighborhoods with a wide range of housing options for all income levels (i.e. mixed-income neighborhoods).

7. HousingWorks will advocate policies that create and supply affordable housing in every part of town and where it is most needed. HousingWorks will confront social, economic, and racial practices that are discriminatory and result in a segregated city.